Musing..Little Things, Big Changes

Today is Friday and as we get ready to relax this weekend, today a couple of little things happened that yielded big results. I finished the revisions to my novel. I have spent so much time looking at this stupid screen my eyes are blurry. I took my best effort and hit ‘send’ to my final editor. I can’t believe i actually obeyed all the rules, correct font and spacing, committed to a story, created it, finished it and sent it out to be professionally polished. This is a huge accomplishment for me. We’ll let history decide if it’s any good or not.

Secondly, i hugged my 92 year old mom. We’ve had a few visits, but no contact in over a year. She’s in a dementia care ward, and COVID-19 precautions put visits to her facility in a position of closed until further notice. But they left us unsupervised and she doesn’t know six feet from six dollars, and she came over and hugged me. Without being asked, unprompted, i saw a glint in her eye that she was going to hug me and damn the rules. So i hugged her back, carefully because she’s so frail.

It was a good day today. Enjoy your weekend.

Like mother, like daughter

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